Parrainage Tiers Monde
Together, let's help a child build a future.
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Our Mission
Promoting access to education for children from poor and vulnerable backgrounds in developing countries.
Our Vision
Parrainage Tiers Monde wants to offer a better future to disadvantaged children by offering them the opportunity to access an education. The benefits will allow them to thrive in their living environment, which will have an impact on families and the community.
Our Values
PTM is a non-denominational, non-profit, inclusive organization whose values are :
Donors (sponsors) who give money to distribute to children or communities in need.
PTM operates by the contributions of generous people who offer their time and knowledge free of charge for the proper functioning of the organization.
By sending special donations received from our benefactors who want to help one or more communities during natural disasters or other needs/projects.
We help the poorest by offering them the chance to improve their living conditions.
We believe that it is necessary to support the families of sponsored children in order to maximize their learning.
During natural disasters; other needs/project.
By being inclusive, regardless of gender, religion, nationality.
Access to education for sponsored children is independent of race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or physical or mental ability.
By allowing access to information about the organization.
Financial information is available on the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency) website.
The information collected concerning the sponsors and children is kept confidential.
Providing feedback between benefactors and sponsored children through letters, reports from persons in charge or receipt of the child's report cards.
By keeping the information provided on the website up to date.